Please search the local business directory using the box below. This is a non-exhaustive list of local businesses. Inclusion on this website does not imply endorsement or preference in any way by Neston Town Council or the Community volunteer team. If you would like to include your business in the directory; please contact us via
Weekly, fortnightly, four-weekly or blitz cleaning.
1 Mellock Cl, Little Neston, Neston CH64 4DU, UK
0151 318 60480151 318 6048
07746 899 64407746 899 644
Cleaning services – homes, offices, carpets, ovens, windows, drives.
Roy and Agnieszka Medlam.
Neston CH64, United Kingdom
Domestic, Commercial, Office cleaning, Laundry, ironing, House sitting, Waiting in for deliveries.
18 Hawthorn Road, Parkgate NESTON CH64 6SX
0151 336 69850151 336 6985
07584 748 08507584 748 085
Oven cleaning by Jason Abbott
07450 548 48807450 548 488
Domestic cleaning.
Weekly, two-weekly, monthly, one-off cleans