Please search the local business directory using the box below. This is a non-exhaustive list of local businesses. Inclusion on this website does not imply endorsement or preference in any way by Neston Town Council or the Community volunteer team. If you would like to include your business in the directory; please contact us via


Building contractor.

Extensions, renovations, plastering, tiling, joinery.

Parkgate, NESTON CH64
0151 336 70110151 336 7011
07964 016 33907964 016 339

Joinery, built-in furniture, windows, doors, locks, repairs

3 Bank Close, Little Neston, Neston CH64 4DJ, United Kingdom

Joinery, brickwork, extensions, loft conversions, kitchens, bathrooms, renovations

Conifer House, Hinderton Road, NESTON,
0151 336 23490151 336 2349
07932 548 02507932 548 025

Brickwork, Plastering, Joinery, Plumbing, Roofing, Electrics, Painting & Decorating, Extensions, Conservatories


All aspects of joinery, bespoke fitted cabinets, kitchens, commercial fit outs.

Showing 5 results