Please search the local business directory using the box below. This is a non-exhaustive list of local businesses. Inclusion on this website does not imply endorsement or preference in any way by Neston Town Council or the Community volunteer team. If you would like to include your business in the directory; please contact us via

Neston Road, Willaston, NESTON, CH64 2TE
Garage, repairs, servicing, exhausts, tyres, MoT.
Mon – Fri 9 – 7; Sat, Sun 10 – 3.

Unit G, Buildwas Road, Clayhill Light Industrial Park, NESTON, CH64 3RU
0151 336 34530151 336 3453
Service and Repair to cars and Light commercials. Tyres

52 Coalbrookdale Road, Clayhill Industrial Estate, NESTON CH64 3UG, UK
Tyre fitting, balancing, repairs
Wheel alignment
Towbars fitted

10, William Court, Buildwas Road, Clayhill Business Park, NESTON, CH64 3UG, UK
Tyres for Cars, Vans, 4 x 4s, Light Trucks, Implements, Puncture Repairs/ Wheel Balancing.
Mon – Fri: 8- 6 pm, Sat: 8 – 1. Other times by appointment.

Buildwas Rd, Clayhill Light Industrial Park, NESTON, CH64 3RU
Tyre Services/ Exhaust Repairs MOT