Please search the local business directory using the box below. This is a non-exhaustive list of local businesses. Inclusion on this website does not imply endorsement or preference in any way by Neston Town Council or the Community volunteer team. If you would like to include your business in the directory; please contact us via
Acupuncture, sports massage, orthotics, yoga, pilates, chiropody, pain management, kinesiology, home visits
Dog Grooming and pet supplies
Architectural Design and Building surveying.
Family business providing deli items and freshly prepared coffee.
Sandwiches, hot drinks, baguettes, quiches…
Artisan bakery
Coffees, teas, breakfast, brunch and lunch
Garage, repairs, servicing, exhausts, tyres, MoT.
Mon – Fri 9 – 7; Sat, Sun 10 – 3.
Independent Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant
Willaston Community Farm.
Animal rescue. Visitors welcome.
Mon – Sat 9 – 3
Gift Shop
Interiors, gift ideas, design.
Pub, Restaurant. Freshly prepared food 12 noon – 9 p.m.
The Outreach service comes to The Green on Wednesdays 1.30 to 4.30 p.m., and Fridays, 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Services include general post, international parcels, cash withdrawals and deposits, travel money, savings, vehicle tax and top-ups.
These websites warn that opening times may change at short notice during the pandemic:
Café, indoor and outdoor seating; Wednesday – Sunday 9.30 – 4
Takeaway hatch Saturday – Tuesday 9.30 – 4
Plumbing, heating, boilers, bathrooms, gas safety checks
Restaurant or Bar/ Pub Food
Children’s Play area. Bed and Breakfast.
In December 2014, landlord Jamie Kimpton received the award of Best Marketed pub by owners Star Pubs and Bars.
Please do not use email address for bookings.
Mon – Thu 9.10 – 5.20, Fri 9.10 – 4.
Florists, wedding flowers, funeral tributes, chocolates, helium balloons, Interflora
Heather Wallington.
Solo walks, socialising walks with other dogs, on or off lead, pick-up and drop-off services, home visits.
Home brewing equipment and ingredients for beer, wine and cider.
Mon – Fri 10 – 4.