Please search the local business directory using the box below. This is a non-exhaustive list of local businesses. Inclusion on this website does not imply endorsement or preference in any way by Neston Town Council or the Community volunteer team. If you would like to include your business in the directory; please contact us via
1, Westwood Court, Clayhill Light Industrial Park, NESTON, CH64 3UJ
0151 353 10800151 353 1080
0151 353 8013
Manufacture, installation & cleaning commercial ventilation systems
Bank House, 39 Gorstons Lane, Little Neston, NESTON,
Recruitment for permanent management positions in packaging and food manufacturing sectors mainly by headhunting
8 Millennium Court, Clayhill Light Industrial Estate NESTON CH64 3UZ UK
0151 662 00830151 662 0083
07702 074 82507702 074 825
Manufacture of high quality fragrances and aromatic ingredients.
An employee ownership trust (EOT).